Using my services:
- To be in line with the international law, I need to tell all users of this website that all psychic and medium services must be used for entertainment purposes only.
- For all services, please note that all opinion is not fact.
User content, commenting and community rules
You are solely responsible for using this site, its contents, advice or any engagement you may have through this site, community or platforms. Skye Orca is not responsible for your actions, and you need to understand that in certain parts of the world the psychic, mediumship, alternative healing and coaching services are for entertainment only and this must be stated openly. Opinion is not fact and it’s important that you read the rules and guidelines below.
No Self-promotion:
- All the platforms, community pages or user content spaces do not allow any self-promotion of any kind. These spaces are set up for the use of Skye Orca only and permission must have required in writing first. All posts of this nature will be monitored and taken down. Continued posts of this nature will result in your profile and data being blocked. It is important to keep this space clear of other business or personal self-promotion. Thank you for your understanding.
Support and equality:
- Support each other. You are part of a tribe and a community that is here for support. Everyone is equal – as this says on the label, everyone is equal.
- Respect each other and come from a place of love and understanding. Zero tolerance for disrespect of any kind – this means not bullying, abusive behaviour, or vulgar use of words. You may not post any User Content which may be regarded as unlawful, harmful, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, harassing, threatening, abusive, dangerous, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, offensive, inflammatory, hateful, or otherwise objectionable, including any material that encourages criminal conduct or conduct that would give rise to civil liability, infringes others’ intellectual property rights or otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law. You also may not “stalk” other users of the Site. If you have any complaints the need to be made in writing to Skye Orca directly through the contact page of the site and this will be addressed. It is important to keep this community safe.
How to post and engage:
- If you post, make sure you align with the topic posted and offer the community content or opinion about this topic. Do add personal stories and share your experiences relating to the topic only. Any SPAM or SELF PROMOTION will be removed immediately.
Opinion is not fact:
- Community members and its owner may share their opinions on the Site content to inspire discussion based on the themes and content of the Site. That said, while sharing of opinion is encouraged, keep in mind that others may disagree and no one’s opinion is fact. If you would like to present something as fact, please be prepared to cite references or please remove your post. Please also remember that everything is opinion and not fact when using the site and community groups online and offline.
Copyright Policy:
We respect the intellectual property rights of others and require the Site users do the same. If you believe that your proprietary work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please forward the following information to Skye Orca directly on email to
- A physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright
- A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed
- A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Service
- Your address, telephone number, and email address
Website, Service, Product, Teaching and Community Agreements:
- This Agreement constitutes the entire and only Agreement between Skye Orca and each user of this Site concerning the subject matter of this Agreement and supercedes any and all prior or contemporaneous Agreements, representations, warranties and understandings, written or oral, concerning the subject matter of this Agreement.
- You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim of cause of action arising from or relating to the use of this Site or this Agreement must be filed within 3 months (three) months after such claim or cause of action arose or will be forever barred. The “Disclaimer; Limitation of Liability” provisions of this Agreement are for the benefit of Skye Orca as defined herein, and each of these individuals or entities shall have the right to assert and enforce these provisions directly against you on its own behalf.