New year, New Moons, Be You!
Every single day you will be bombarded with messaging to change you. The real change comes in when you realise that it is essential to just be you. When you are rooted/grounded and standing on your own two feet in the present, you will be able to make the changes that are right for you, and not for the external messages being received. While some external messages can be helpful, the real difference comes when you listen to the messages from your own consciousness or even from spirit. Let’s look at this for a moment. This second that you are reading this right now, is the most beautiful, connected and possibly raw moment you have. But it is in this second that you are all you are, all you need to be, and have exactly what you need. Being so present in an ever-changing infinite universe will give you power over your reality. As humans, we forget the simple art of practising presence as we get caught up in the moment with fear which is always linked to the future or our past. This makes us very worried, anxious and then negative. If you can harness the power of this, you can change your life in every way possible.
“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you.” – Dr. Seuss
11 ways to just be you:
1. Be change:
Whatever it is you want, be it. When you are it, it is your reality.
2. Be Strong.
Emotions are a strength when you understand that they show you where you are at, but not where you are going.
3. Be Brave.
An open heart is courage, but not being you by ignoring your heart, will make you discouraged.
4. Be goal orientated.
To follow your heart, you need goals. A goal is defined as a dream with a plan and deadline. We often fear deadlines, but they help us move things forward one step at a time.
5. Be found.
The very thing that you run away from will help you be found, and that is profound.
6. Be human.
Every imperfection we have within us is the very thing we need to be perfect. These imperfections show us where we need to love ourselves more, and without judging them we bring the very thing they need towards them, and this is love.
7. Be open.
We are not our story, but we are our open hearts. No matter what has happened in the past, we can have a great life without resisting our hearts calls through false fears/sabotaging thoughts. Your open heart is all the guidance you will need.
8. Be challenged.
As humans, we avoid being challenged because we react. It is through our own reactions that we lose our power and if we remember not to react, we don’t lose our power. So know that you will be challenged in life, but don’t react, and if you do, observe it and don’t judge yourself, because there is great wisdom there that needs to be unlocked by discovering what you have chosen to forget. There are times when others may mistake challenging us for not facing their own challenges, so if you observe that by not reacting you will never lose any energy to what does not belong to you.
9. Be trust.
Trust is spirit manifested. When you trust your heart, your body, mind and brain will offer no resistance.
10. Be curious.
Life is an adventure only harvested by our abilities to remain open, because without the curiousness of our hearts we are blinded by our minds fog.
11. Be still.
Stillness is a connection to self, to spirit, to the universe, to our hearts, to our loved ones. It is through stillness we are present, or we find presence. It is in stillness that we remember to breath giving us the energy our body needs to feel alive, and when we breathe, we quieten our minds.
What is the meaning of a New Moon?
New Moons mean birth, a great time to manifest and give birth to new ideas.
What are the New Moon dates and times for 2019?
- January 6 01:28 UTC
- February 4 21:03 UTC
- March 6 16:04 UTC
- April 5 08:50 UTC
- May 4 22:45 UTC
- June 3 10:01 UTC
- July 2 19:16 UTC
- August 1 03:12 UTC
- September 14 04:33 UTC
- October 13 21:08 UTC
- November 12 13:34 UTC
- December 12 05:12 UTC
What is the meaning of a Full Moon?
Full Moons illuminate us in the dark, showing us our shadows and what requires love.
What are the Full Moon dates and times for 2019?
- January 21 15:53 UTC
- February 19 15:53 UTC
- March 21 01:42 UTC
- April 19 11:12 UTC
- May 18 21:11 UTC
- June 17 08:30 UTC
- July 16 21:38 UTC
- August 15 12:29 UTC
- September 28 18:26 UTC
- October 28 03:38 UTC
- November 26 15:05 UTC
- December 26 05:13 UTC
When is the Spring Equinox in 2019?
The spring equinox 2019 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 21:58 on Wednesday, 20 March.
The spring equinox 2019 in Southern Hemisphere will be at 07:50 on Monday, 23 September.
When is the Winter Solstice in 2019?
The winter solstice 2019 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 04:19 on Sunday, 22 December.
The winter solstice 2019 in Southern Hemisphere will be at 15:54 on Friday, 21 June.